Shark Bay is one of approximately 200 Natural World Heritage Areas - unique places on our planet with exceptional natural values. In fact, only 16 areas in the world satisfy all four of the World Heritage listing criteria, and Shark Bay is one of these rare and special places. It ranks in significance alongside the Galapagos Islands, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park and Great Barrier Reef.
Shark Bay is Australia's largest bay, most westerly point, the place where Europeans first set foot on Australia and Western Australia's first World Heritage Area.The 4 Criteria for World Heritage Listing are:
Outstanding examples representing the major stages of the earth’s evolutionary history.
Shark Bay contains the most diverse and abundant examples of stromatolites in the world. These blue-green algae in Hamelin Pool grow and accumulate sediment forming rock-like lumps, some of which are over 1,000 years old. They are similar to the earliest life-forms which dominated the earth 3,500 million years ago, and produced the oxygen in the atmosphere which allowed air-breathing animals to evolve.
Outstanding examples representing significant ongoing geological processes, biological evolution and human interaction with the natural environment.
Shark Bay has the largest area of seagrass in the world, and these plants modify its geology and biology. Growth of seagrass and accumulation of sediment has formed the Faure Sill, a shallow bank which restricts tidal flow. Evaporation from Hamelin Pool causes hypersalinity, with water twice as salty as normal. In such salty conditions the predators of the blue-green algae and the small white cockle cannot survive, and so the stromatolites can thrive and cockles accumulate in their millions on Shell Beach.
Unique, rare or superlative natural phenomena, formations or features of exceptional natural beauty.
The arid landscape, peninsulas, islands and bays create a scenery of exceptional beauty. Zuytdorp Cliffs, Peron Peninsula, Dirk Hartog Island, Shell Beach, the birridas, and dunes are all contrasting neighbours.
Significant habitats where rare or threatened species of animals and plants of still survive. The only natural wild populations of the banded hare-wallaby, western barred bandicoot and Shark Bay mouse are found on Bernier and Dorre Islands. There are also 13 threatened reptile species, 3 rare bird species, 10% of the world dugong population and significant loggerhead turtle rookeries.